How to Get Your Landscape Ready for Summer

Summer is a time of pleasant changes. As the warmth of summer fades into the milder temperatures of autumn, it is imperative to think about the kind of things people want to get done. Part of the process of changing from one season to the next is paying attention to the home. A home should be pleasing to the eyes in every way. All areas of the home need care as the seasons go on. The outdoors are a particular area deserving of careful thought. Prepping your landscaping for Summer is easier than ever with a few simple and easy steps or working with a licensed, professional arborist.

Your Existing Plantings

Now is the time to take stock of your existing plantings along all areas of your yard. You might have lots of flowers in place already that have been in bloom since early spring. Many people also have lots of bushes and other kinds of greenery on their property. You’ll want to make sure the plantings you have look good to the eye. To that end, it helps to think about every kind of planting on your property. Take the time to walk across each part of your yard including the front and back.

Clearing Out Existing Debris

When Summer comes along, the leaves begin to turn colors. As they do, they also may begin to litter your property. Leaves can create issues that can lead to problems with the health of your lawn. You’ll want to make sure you have what it takes to head off leaves all over your yard. To that end, it’s best to have items like a rake on hand to help remove the leaves you don’t want. It’s also important to have items like bags on hand that allow you to manage those piles of leaves as you collect them.

Change in Flowers

Flowers add a lot of character to any yard. Summer is the perfect time to think about the kind of flowers you have on hand. If you have lots of flowers that are right for the hot weather, you’ll want to change them up. Now is the time to bring in those heartier flowers for Summer. You need flowers that can withstand the colder weather outside including the ice and the snow. Heartier flowers can be placed in your flower boxes and along the yard for a lovely seasonal look.

Getting Fencing in Shape

Fences can take a beating in the hot and humid weather. You need to examine those fence for evidence of any damage. The hot weather may have caused metal spikes to expand and areas of the fencing to come lose. It’s time to make sure your fencing can stand up to the demands of the ice and snow. Shoring up any fencing is an ideal way to protect your beloved landscaping from the ravages of the colder Summer and winter season. A few simple changes to the fencing can make sure your yard will look great.

The Lawn

The lawn, like the rest of your landscaping, needs a lot of attention once the weather shifts. This time marks the perfect time to bring in the new grass. Sowing grasses that work with the colder temperatures is easy. Turn to grasses like rye and fescue. They need little care to bring the lush looks you like best. It’s also the time of year to put down an additional layer of seasonal fertilizer to increase the nutrients that reach the ground. The lawn given this kind of care will reward you with truly lovely landscaping.